# Installation There are several options for deploying this software. ## Installing pre-requisites The one major pre-requisite that needs to be installed is ROOT. Instructions can be found [here](https://root.cern.ch/downloading-root). Bear in mind that the ### Plugins For LArCV files to HDF5 conversion, LArCV will need to be installed. Instructions can be found [here](https://github.com/LArbys/LArCV). ## Using pip Pip can be used to install the package from github ~~~ bash pip install git+https://http://github.com/HEP-DL/root2hdf5 ~~~ ## Using Distutils Similarly, the source code can be cloned and installed directly ~~~ bash git clone https://http://github.com/HEP-DL/root2hdf5 cd root2hdf5 python setup.py install ~~~